Press release from the SPCJ
The figures for antisemitism in France in 2021
Facts and analysis
589 antisemitic acts were recorded in 2021, an increase of almost 75% over the previous year. Physical violence increased by 36% over 2020.
Acts that harm people represent 45% of antisemitic acts, 10% of which are physical attacks.
According to figures from the Ministry of the Interior, 73% of racist acts against people are targeted at Jews.
Two worrying phenomena deserve particular attention:
the high number of antisemitic acts perpetrated in the private sphere (25% of antisemitic acts). These are essentially acts carried out near the victim’s home, by a neighbour or by people living in the neighbourhood.
the amount of the use of weapons in physical attacks (20%) and threats (10%) of antisemitic nature. Knives are the most used weapons (9 cases) and guns (5 cases). Rifles, firework mortar, hammer, machete, pellet gun or scissors are used for the other acts.
In 2021, two peaks of increase in antisemitic acts were noted:
in May, during the course of the operation “Guardian of the Walls” launched by Israel against Hamas. On average 5 antisemitic acts were recorded per day during this period. These are mostly insults and threatening gestures. In nearly 1/3 of these acts, the subject of Palestine is brought up.
in August, during the first mobilizations against health restrictions. These are essentially antisemitic graffiti designating the Jews as the beneficiaries and even as the instigators of the health crisis.
Some key figures from the Antisemitism Report 2021
20% of physical attacks in the private sphere are perpetrated with a weapon
Antisemitic acts in the private sphere
Living close to their attacker, the victims sometimes experience real situations of harassment.
These situations are manifested by a repetition of acts often becoming more and more violent over time.
The use of weapons in antisemitic acts
1 physical assault out of 5 is perpetrated with a weapon
1 antisemitic threat out of 10 is perpetrated with a weapon
Antisemitic acts during Operation "Guardian of the Walls"
An average of 5 antisemitic acts recorded every day.
These are mostly insults and threatening gestures. In nearly 1/3 of these acts, the subject of Palestine is brought up.